About Bridlington Health Forum
Who we are
Bridlington Health Forum is a group of volunteers representing local residents. We offer listening ears and a voice to Bridlington and area residents who are concerned about local health care provision. We seek to influence healthcare provision through the NHS and East Riding Council.
Our mission
To protect, improve, and extend the provision of NHS services in Bridlington
What we do - Hold to account
All NHS Service providers, including York and Hull hospital Trusts and Humber, North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and East Riding Place Integrated Care Partnership, as well as East Yorkshire Council and Locally elected politicians.
What YOU can do - Get Involved
- Join the Bridlington Health Forum as a member
- Join our Facebook Group, have your say and get involved in discussions
- Let us know about your healthcare needs and experiences
- Tell us what has worked well for you, your friends and family - and what did not.
- Help with urgent care needs. Please call your GP or 999 as required.
- Provide a substitute for existing complaint procedures for GP's, Hospital PALS (Patient Advice Liason Services) but....
We CAN help you by
- Providing guidance on how to raise your concerns over health care needs.
- Collecting, documenting and raising your concerns - anonymously if you prefer.
Bridlington Health Forum Trustees
Dr A Clarke
Retired GP with 38 years of service to the NHS, including 14 years in Oxford and 23yrs as a GP in Bridlington. Professional qualifications: MBBS (Lond), MA (Cantab), DRCOG, MRCGP, DCH, Cert in Family Planning, Cert in Practical Palliative Care.
A Walker
ERYC interface JSNA
An elected Ward Councillor with both the Town Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council for Bridlington South. I have been an ally of Bridlington Health Forum for many years, a member for almost three years and a founding trustee since its inception as a charity. I recognise the huge workload that others have invested to achieve the influence, status and trust that the Forum currently enjoys.
J Tye
PPG Interface
RN, RM, Cert.Ed. (Retired)
Carer's Champion MNDA, Support Volunteer,.
PPG Chairperson, Dr Reddys & Nunn
A Levitt
Vice Chair
40+ Years of teaching in Bridlington, at both Headlands and Bridlington. Along with working with local Employers.
D Emms
Patient feedback to Healthwatch
Member since 2012. Ex practice manager for Practice 3 in Bridlington. 33 years working within General Practice. An ongoing passion for improving healthcare in our town.
M Ibbotson
Public Governor of York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
S Tory
Research & ICS Interface
5 Years of being a BHF member, I've witnessed ongoing erosion of accessible healthcare for Bridlington. Although the main concern is the managed decline of our wonderful modern hospital, Bridlington gets a raw NHS deal right across the board; GP services, Dental and Mental healthcare included.
T Norman
Some text about/from Tim
Bridlington Health Forum
Let us know about your healthcare needs and experiences